Tuesday 15 January 2013

Lavender Hidcote Plants

Lavender Hidcote Blue

The King of dwarf Lavenders???

The lavender hidcote is by far the most popular and best selling lavender in the UK. This dwarf and compact favourite is ideal for border edges, or low level hedges. Blue flowers adorn the plant from early summer to early autumn and offer great aromatic qualities. As with all lavender plants you are also offering bees their daily nectar as well...

The full name is Lavandula Augustifolia Hidcote. The 'augustifolia' is a general word to distinguish that this is an English variety of lavender. Lots of varieties of lavender fit into the augustifolia bracket, and generally this means they are hardy varieities.

Lavender Hidcote has obtained many awards, include an RHS award of garden merit. The award was obtained for being a reliable and good performing plant in ideal conditions.

Lavender Hidcote - The stats

Potential height of 50cm in ideal conditions, but it is not unusual for some hidcote plants to only grow to 20cm. A potential spread of 30cm is achieveable in most circumstances, however potentially it is possible for a spread of 45cm in ideal conditions.
Flowers are blue, and generally quite a dark blue most years, but you must be aware weather conditions can possibly change the colour darker or lighter some years.

Best Places to Plant

Generally lavender hidcote is planted as a border edge or low level hedge. It is seldom seen as a stand alone specimen, or grown in pots. If you are planning to grow in a large patio pot please only plant one plant in each pot - they are not keen on sharing pots.
This is probably also the most popular lavender varieties as table centre pieces at weddings, and is ideal for this job as being dwarf they tend not to stop conversations across the table. Other suggestions would be lavender hidcote pink, or rosea.

How to plant & How Far Apart

Best to plant in well drained soil, in a sunny or partial shady spot. The planting area must be a hot place in the garden as well as being dry away from any standing water all year round. Do not be afraid to add sand to the planting area before planting as this will help drainage and over wintering the plants.
Hidcote will spread to 30-35cm in most circumstances - so 3 plants per metre will surfice. 9cm potted lavender hidcote will take around 1-2 years to make a joining hedge or border. 13cm (or 1 litre) potted lavender will take significantly shorter.

Be sure to read more guides on the popular plants blog

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